Snazzy Backup is a simple desktop application that allows the
user to select files and folders to backup to a zip file.
That's it. You can save your settings to a file, and load
them of course. Snazzy Backup is now hosted on SourceForge.net
Snazzy Backup is in need of your help.
What do we need help with? A lot of things!
- Web site. I mean really, look at this page!
- Marketing. What do I know about marketing? Maybe you know something.
- Research.
It would be good to use a third-party compression code instead of
what comes with Java for three reasons: 1. We need a way of encrypting
it that can be decrypted with other standard zipping programs. 2. We
need to be able to encode accented characters. 3. We need a way
of selecting other compression algorithms besides zip. 1 and 2
are most important. Do you know of any such library that we could
use that is compatible with our GPL license, or do you enjoy surfing
the web to find out?
- More research. It would be cool to
have another tab that lets you copy the zip file to another server, by
scp or ftp or SMB or something. Try to find some software that
will do that.
- User documentation. The Help tab is not bad, but perhaps we need some real documentation.
- Developer
documentaton. The better the build environment is documented, the
easier it will be to get new developers to help.
- Programmer.
Pick a feature from the Source Forge bug list or feature
requests, or make something up yourself, or just let us know because we might
have a list ourself, then go at it! But let
us know what you're up to, because we might still have some good ideas.
- Installer for Mac and Linux, instead of just a jar file. Or if you want to
just work on the Windows installer, that would be great too.
- Graphic Artist. For our web site we need some good looking graphics.
For the program we need icons, a splash screen, and that's probably all.
- Analyst. Programmers tend to think like programmers, not like normal users, so
we need someone to analyse how the features of the program should fit together,
report other little things that users expect, report ways how to make the program less
confusing to normal users, and things like that.
- Whatever else you can think of.
If you want to get involved in any one of these things or anything else, we would love to have you on the team. Please send me an email with what you have in mind.Features
- You can choose any number of files or folders to
- Exclusion list, based on regular
expression of file name, file size, creation/modification date as
compared to relative to a set date, or relative to a specified
file's modification date (this allows for incremental
- You can pick your
destination zip file, log file, and input files with tokens in the
name. This allows you
to give the zip file's name today's date. Or you can pass in variables
through the command line or environment variables.
- You can specify the compression ratio
- You can specify the thread priority (background or cpu
- You can give it command line options, so you can run
scheduled backups.
- You can pick hidden files and folders to back up.
- You can log all files and folder that were backed up
- It's got a cute little progress bar.
- It records the last backup file and date/time
- You can send your zip file to an ftp server of your choice after it makes a backup. This is a partial list of online storage providers.
- You can create multiple zip files of a certain maximum size
- It is cross platform, if you
don't mind running an executable Java jar file. It also comes
a very nice MS Windows installer.
- You will need Java
installed, but you don't need to configure anything. Just
download and run the installer. It will
find it for you and will tell you if you don't have it, I think.
Things coming up
- Who knows? If anyone is out there, try
requesting something.
Things it might do in the future if I can be
- Keyboard short cuts
- Save
to SCP or
other server. If you know of open source Java code that can
do this, please let me know.
Things it doesn't do and never will
- It doesn't restore/unzip. Use your
favourite zip program for this, such as ZipGenius
(versions prior to 6 might complain about the zip file being
"corrupted" ) or Info-ZIP.
- Licensed under the GNU General
Public License, which mean you are
free to download it, give it away, or even change it yourself, within
certain guidelines.
Development Team
- So far, mostly Tim Koop, but he is
only one person. A lot more people are needed.
- If you're interested in joing the team, click the link above and send me an email.